Saturday, June 17, 2006

This church (the name of which escapes my recollection right now) wins the award so far for tackiest church. The walls are covered in marble and pho-marble decoration in a rorschach test pattern. As we could not use a flash in this church you are left to see only the muted colors however so far this trip it is still my winner.

* Despite the marble decoration, the church did house a very nice Caravaggio painting which has inspired a possible trip to see one of Caravaggios other paintings in a private collection.

Caravaggio, known for his paintings which depict everyday subjects on the streets, lived a very rowdy life himself. He had to flee from Rome because he killed an opponent over a tennis match. (points for anyone who can scratch that question off our list, we would love to know)


Blogger JTH said...

isn't scratch a billiards term?

3:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A late reply, but maybe I am just a slow reader.

Caravaggio killed Ranuccio Tomassoni on May 29, 1606, over questionable scoring in a tennis game.

If your travels had taken you to the Amalfi Coast and Sicily rather than to Espania, I believe much of Caravaggio's works are still in several churches in Sicily.

So much for my muddeling into history ...

Ciao and Bon Voyage to you & Jon.

- Flying Pig Racing

9:16 AM  

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