Cost of living got you down? Many of us living in or around the most expensive regions of the most affluent country in the world (excluding Dubai, etc, etc) struggle to lower our costs: sell the car, turn down the heat, move to the dodgy part of town. But instead of cutting corners, this group proposes filling segments.

This idea, by rebar group, investigates the ownership relationship between prime real estate and rent collection. Specifically, what does it mean to occupy a parking space and feed the meter?

50 cents/hour to occupy your own lot. 12 dollars/day. 84 dollars/week. 336 dollars/month...

Maybe this math is changing my perspective a bit...
Anyways, this project is rooted in the notion of "temporary" (with the implied proposition of institutionalized permanence- and funding), and there should be a special place in all of our hearts for guerilla campaigns that seek to enhance our collective public lives, and not try to sell Target products or eBay services or cell phone providers or super-caffeinated softdrinks or...

Can this project be applied to housing?

This idea, by rebar group, investigates the ownership relationship between prime real estate and rent collection. Specifically, what does it mean to occupy a parking space and feed the meter?

50 cents/hour to occupy your own lot. 12 dollars/day. 84 dollars/week. 336 dollars/month...

Maybe this math is changing my perspective a bit...
Anyways, this project is rooted in the notion of "temporary" (with the implied proposition of institutionalized permanence- and funding), and there should be a special place in all of our hearts for guerilla campaigns that seek to enhance our collective public lives, and not try to sell Target products or eBay services or cell phone providers or super-caffeinated softdrinks or...

Can this project be applied to housing?